Brand Colors
eFi Green
Green is a color that represents growth, the environment, positivity, trust, health, and wealth. It is the color that resonates most with the Farmers and our company.
It can be found in the water of our ponds, the fish baskets, and fishing nets, among other things. Green embodies everything that we strive to be as a company.
Secondary Colors
RGB: 215,234,228
CMYK: 15,1,10,0
RGB: 175,212,201
CMYK: 31,4,23,0
RGB: 135,191,173
CMYK: 48,8,36,0
RGB: 95,169,146
CMYK: 65,15,50,1
RGB: 75,158,132
CMYK: 72,18,57,1
RGB: 49,133,107
CMYK: 80,27,67,10
RGB: 44,118,95
CMYK: 82,33,69,17
RGB: 38,103,83
CMYK: 84,38,71,26
RGB: 33,89,71
CMYK: 84,42,73,35
RGB: 27,74,59
CMYK: 85,46,74,46
Fish Lime
Fish lime is a mix of green and yellow, it symbolizes optimistic, energetic, jubilant, and happy.
Just like fish farmers who sees the bright side in everything. Farming harships doesn't make them waver, rather it pushes them forward towards their success.
Secondary Colors
RGB: 246,252,215
CMYK: 4,0,18,0
RGB: 237,249,174
CMYK: 8,0,39,0
RGB: 229,246,134
CMYK: 13,0,59,0
RGB: 220,243,93
CMYK: 18,0,77,0
RGB: 215,241,73
CMYK: 20,0,84,0
RGB: 189,216,48
CMYK: 31,0,99,0
RGB: 169,192,42
CMYK: 39,9,100,0
RGB: 147,168,37
CMYK: 48,19,100,1
RGB: 127,144,32
CMYK: 54,28,100,8
RGB: 105,120,26
CMYK: 60,36,100,18
Shrimp Teal
Shrimp teal is a combination of green and bluis hue. It evokes feelings of confidence, security, and calmness; essential qualities for thos engaged in the oftentumultuous world of shrimp farming. It speaks to their inwavering resilience and determination to overcome the numerous challenges they face with poise and assurance.
As the hue that adorns the windmills and shimmers on the surface of the ponds, it serves as a constant reminder of their progress and success.
Secondary Colors
RGB: 69,229,201
CMYK: 56,0,33,0
RGB: 56,216,188
CMYK: 62,0,38
RGB: 45,204,174
CMYK: 66,0,43,0
RGB: 35,192,163
CMYK: 71,0,47,0
RGB: 28,181,153
CMYK: 75,2,52,0
RGB: 20,152,128
CMYK: 82,18,60,2
RGB: 17,135,113
CMYK: 84,26,64,8
RGB: 15,118,99
CMYK: 87,32,67,16
RGB: 14,86,40
CMYK: 88,38,68,25
RGB: 13,95,89
CMYK: 89,42,62,28
Neutral Colors
Secondary Colors
RGB: 29,29,29
CMYK: 72,66,65,76
RGB: 77,77,77
CMYK: 65,58,57,37
RGB: 125,125,125
CMYK: 53,44,44,9
RGB: 157,157,157
CMYK: 41,33,34,1
RGB: 177,177,177
CMYK: 32,25,26,0
RGB: 193,193,193
CMYK: 24,19,20,0
RGB: 225,225,225
CMYK: 10,8,8,0
RGB: 241,241,241
CMYK: 4,3,3,0
Complementary Colors
It Takes two to tango!
Just as there are pairs for everything - Eve and Adam, Juliet and Romeo, Bonnie and Clyde- there are also complementary colors that enhance each other.
Here come ours
RGB: 29,29,29
CMYK: 36,0,11,42
RGB: 255,210,0
CMYK: 0,18,100,0
RGB: 255,236,148
CMYK: 0,7,42,0
RGB: RGB: 189,216,48
CMYK: CMYK: 11,0,66,15
RGB: RGB: 127,144,32
CMYK: CMYK: 54,28,100,8
RGB: RGB: 227,255,82
CMYK: CMYK: 11,0,68,0
RGB: RGB: 20,167,141
CMYK: CMYK: 58,0,10,35
RGB: RGB: 13,95,89
CMYK: CMYK: 89,42,62,28
RGB: RGB: 69,229,201
CMYK: CMYK: 63,0,11,10